[youtube=http://youtu.be/pGS6xzaTX6s]This is a one minute film I made. I’ve Got Nothing To Say And I’m Saying It – YouTube.
Haven’t blogged on this page for a while. That’s because I’ve been busy writing “My Life in Music” page and that’s taking up a lot of my time. It’s getting very long but it’s really good reflecting on my past life, what I can remember of it that is. Am sitting in a Nottingham Wetherspoons…
Have been back a week now and have decided to write about my feelings about visiting New York. The reason I went was to fulfil a long ambition to visit a place that figured large in my imagination and was a place where many things happened that were an influence on me. In my…
Time is flying by. Can’t believe I’m going back on Monday. I feel like a New York native now. I even sound convincing when people ask me for directions. On Tuesday I decided to go to the Skyscraper Museum only to find that’s closed on Tuesdays as well. Across the road is the Museum…