Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Category: Religion

  • Interactive Maps for Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” by Dennis Mansker

    This is a re-post from Dennis Mansker’s web site. The original can be found here: In 1957, two novels were published that were destined to have a profound effect on the future of the United States, and indeed, the world, effects that would long outlast the lives of their creators. The first was Atlas Shrugged,…

  • Reflections on Coventry Cathedral: a poem by Kenny Wilson

    childhood memories of times gone by sitting outside the ruins gazing in looking at the destruction and then the phoenix rising the coloured glass the broken stones the tower still standing like some kind of miracle growth how did that happen? we learnt more that day than i ever realised sitting on the grass with…

  • Overcoming the Cultural Crisis by Otto Gross (1913)

    The psychology of the unconscious is the philosophy of revolution: i.e., this is what it is destined to become because it ferments insurrection within the psyche, and liberates individuality from the bonds of its own unconscious. It is destined to make us inwardly capable of freedom, destined to prepare the ground for the revolution. The…

  • Otto Gross Quote

    The psychology of the unconscious is the philosophy of revolution.

  • Otto Gross Quote

    The psychology of the unconscious is the philosophy of revolution.

  • Poem: The City Was a Golden Sea by Kenny Wilson

    The city was a golden sea Where angels played with destiny The clouds were bouncing snowy white And disappeared into the night I came upon a diamond orb That glowed satanic ghostly white What has become of all these things? “The City changed” the angels sing The city was a golden sea Where people learned…

  • The Decline of the 1960s Counterculture and the Rise of Thatcherism | Kenny Wilson

    In the past few weeks I have been reading widely about the 1960s Counterculture both here and in America. This interest was inspired by two things. Writing an account of My Life in Music, which included my experience of the Counterculture in Leicester, and visiting an exhibition of sculptures by Francis Upritchard at Nottingham Contemporary…

  • Religion, Richard Dawkins and the One Dimensional Man

    In 1964 Herbert Marcuse published a book called One Dimensional Man in which he describes the advanced capitalist countries of the developed world as Totalitarian. This controversial statement was met with both bewilderment and ridicule. The world was at the height of the Cold War and the countries of the West saw themselves as a bulwark of freedom against the…