Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Category: Travel

  • Some Pictures of St. Albans

    This is a gallery of pictures of  the town of St. Albans, U.K. mainly the Cathedral and Abbey Church. Related articles About St Alban – Britains First Christian Martyr (

  • Some Pictures of St. Albans

    This is a gallery of pictures of  the town of St. Albans, U.K. mainly the Cathedral and Abbey Church. Related articles About St Alban – Britains First Christian Martyr (

  • Houses and Blue Plaques in Hampstead

  • Houses and Blue Plaques in Hampstead

  • Malta in May 2013

    March was one of the coldest on record and April wasn’t much better. I had some gigs in Florence, Italy at the end of May and was looking forward to that but in the meantime I was freezing in Leicester. Time to get some Sun. Found some cheap flights and even cheaper hotel on the island…

  • “So Here I Am” a poem by Kenny Wilson

    so here I am in florence connecting with the past trying to find myself in a weird way playing music in a strange land full of cobwebs and fairies that leap up at me and scare me and wake me from my renaissance sleep there is no past only the present where art screams from…

  • Trip to Liverpool

    Well, I spent Wednesday to Friday last week in Liverpool staying with my old school friend Nev, and what a fascinating place it is. Apart from visiting the International Slavery Museum for a short time several years back it is the first time I’ve been in the city. I don’t know why really. What with…

  • Trip to Snowdonia April 2013

  • Reflections on Coventry Cathedral: a poem by Kenny Wilson

    childhood memories of times gone by sitting outside the ruins gazing in looking at the destruction and then the phoenix rising the coloured glass the broken stones the tower still standing like some kind of miracle growth how did that happen? we learnt more that day than i ever realised sitting on the grass with…

  • Day Trip to Hull

    I woke up early this morning and decided to go somewhere. But where? Well, there are many places I have never been to that I want to see. Not all of them are pretty or picturesque but there is always something worth seeing and interesting people to meet. So, I decided on Hull. It’s not…