Source: ‘The Velvet Underground and Nico’: 10 Things You Didn’t Know – Rolling Stone Actually, I did know most of this, but not Warhol’s idea of putting a crack on the record to make the phrase ‘I’ll Be Your Mirror’ repeat over and over again. Inspirational, and an idea later used by the Beatles at…
Before he became just about the most important person in the world in the 1960s, Andy Warhol made a living as a graphic designer. He did a whole slew of album covers and, as is well known, a good many book jackets as well. Often he enlisted his mother to write the scrawled…
Dressed like this these statues become familiar and contemporary. Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo retoucher Alexis Persani. This is Léo Caillard web site: http://www.leocaillard.com/ Related articles Making new with old – Louvre Greek sculptures go hipster (innovtoday.wordpress.com) French girl cannot find hipsters in Williamsburg (deathandtaxesmag.com) How to Make Friends at a (Hipster) Bar (verysimplethoughts.com)
Posted: January 9, 2013 | Author: Kathryn | Filed under: Music | Tags: bowie, modernism, music, poetry, ts eliot,william burroughs |4 Comments Fragmented language, Nietzschean elitism, and disillusionment with art: could Bowie’s Thin White Duke era have been inspired by The Waste Land? -Kathryn Bromwich Submitted for MA in English: Issues in Modern Culture, University College London, 2009. Shorter, snappier version here. T.S. Eliot’s early work, particularly The Love Song of J.…
I visited this exhibition last week and was very impressed. The paintings are incredibly familiar ( at least, the 60s pop art pictures) but to see them full size in a gallery is a monumental experience. They are huge. This is what gives them their power. Lichtenstein has been accused of being shallow and…
This is a poem/song I wrote in 2005. It was inspired by the name and the view of a restaurant on the island of Skiathos in Greece. I was trying to connect with the space between consciousness and sleep, that space when thoughts drift without any idea of rationality, when words just connect with…
This is a poem/song I wrote in 2005. It was inspired by the name and the view of a restaurant on the island of Skiathos in Greece. I was trying to connect with the space between consciousness and sleep, that space when thoughts drift without any idea of rationality, when words just connect with…