Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Tag: kenny wilson

  • My European Musical Adventure Part 2 October 2015

    I arrived in Frankfurt at about 10.30 p.m. It was an easy run and the bus station was next to the railway station, like they are in many European cities. It makes sense. Why don’t they do that in British cities? Mind you, the bus stations have a very different atmosphere. There is a slight air…

  • My European Musical Adventure Part 1 October 2015

    So, here I am on my second travelling adventure of the year. I’ve got the bug now. A bit like a latter day Jack Kerouac in search of kicks and excitement. Well, okay, visiting several European cities in a very short time! In this case, from Tuesday 29th September to Wednesday 7th October 2015. This…

  • My European Interail Diary Part 1 6th April 2015

    Well,I’m feeling a pretty strange. I’m writing this on a train heading for Montpellier where I have a bit of a wait before I get a  train to Barcelona. A month ago it seemed like a good idea and I’m sure it will eventually be one (idea that is). It’s good to do something different!…

  • Photo Videos of Some of My Trips

    I have recently got into making videos of the photos of some of my trips accompanied by music that has been important to me over the years. This includes tracks by the likes of the Velvet Underground, Country Joe and the Fish and Bix Beiderbecke. Quite a variety really. It is amazing how the music…

  • Photo Videos of Some of My Trips

    I have recently got into making videos of the photos of some of my trips accompanied by music that has been important to me over the years. This includes tracks by the likes of the Velvet Underground, Country Joe and the Fish and Bix Beiderbecke. Quite a variety really. It is amazing how the music…

  • Teacher’s Strike 26th March 2014 Town Hall Square, Leicester

    Here are some videos of Steve Cartwright and my involvement with the N.U.T. strike in Leicester. The p.a. system stopped working but we managed to get by!

  • Rick Grech and Me: a Personal Memoir by Kenny Wilson

    I realized as I started this memoir that I don’t really know how to either spell or pronounce Rick’s name. Until recently I thought it was Ric and that Grech was pronounced with a hard “K” sound. I’m not sure now. On most of his recordings, and his own signature on a photograph I have,…

  • Tenerife January 2014

    Here’s a slide show of my trip to Tenerife in January 2014: [gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/19022364@N00/sets/72157641809071855/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/19022364@N00/sets/I72157641809071855/&set_id=72157641809071855&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

  • Road Trip to Whitby, U.K. December 2013

    Late December I decided to go on a road trip to Whitby, North Yorkshire with my friend and fellow musician Steve Cartwright. It was a strange time to go perhaps. Not only was it very near Christmas but two weeks before we got there virtually the whole east coast experienced a “tidal surge” which left…

  • Oblivion

    When you are living in a type of oblivion and everything starts repeating then you know you are struggling and things don’t seem to make sense. But do they? Do they? Do they? Maybe. But maybe not!! When I first saw you you were real! You were real!! But maybe I wasn’t. Maybe I didn’t…