Rainy Monday and Bluegrass Jam

After a prolonged period of fantastic weather it is now seriously raining. I’m wet even though I’ve got a waterproof coat and an umbrella. Saturday was a fairly lazy day hanging around Central Park watching the buskers and human statues. Got a few ideas about what to film but am keeping that to myself for now. Also had my first kebab from a street stall. Suprisingly it was very nice and it didn’t make me ill. Result!

Spent the evening in the Village looking around at different venues, Red Lion, Bitter End and a blues club I can’t remember the name of. Have got a gig late night at the Red Lion which is a bit of a noisy place but good fun! Ended up at Path Cafe where there was a very good folk singer performing. Excellent guitarist, suggested I come to his session at a pub called The Brass Monkey on Sunday. Well, I did that and there were some great musicians there but I felt like I’d gatecrashed a band practice. Left quite soon as I was getting fed up with the interminable small talk between tunes. Get on with it!!

Much better was the Sunday bluegrass jam at Paddy Reilly’s. Everyone sat round in a circle and took it in turns soloing. The musicianship was top class and I felt a bit nervous. Some of them were veterans of the 60s folk scene. It was a real pleasure and honour to be there. At the end they obviously thought I was OK and invited me back next week. Will definately be there! Ended the night at East Village Tavern with a really nice, friendly bunch of people.  

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