Reflections on Coventry Cathedral: a poem by Kenny Wilson

The ruins of Coventry Cathedral
The ruins of Coventry Cathedral

childhood memories of times gone by
sitting outside the ruins
gazing in
looking at the destruction
and then the phoenix rising
the coloured glass the broken stones
the tower still standing like
some kind of miracle growth

how did that happen?

we learnt more that day than i ever realised
sitting on the grass with our packed lunches
and someone was laughing
but i couldn’t see who it was
lost in some reverie about lady godiva
burning in the courtyard

the mist descending
covering the darkness
no light in this history of gloom
the droning engines
and bombs dropping

no escape now
no more meaning
in this world of flame and heartbreak
and unreasoning death

let me rise in the phoenix light
until there is no tomorrow
and nothing left to cry about
and then there will be peace
then i will be able to live again

2013-03-08 16.40.12
Unknown civilians killed in war

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