Category: Counterculture
The Long Walk of the Situationist International | Greil Marcus (The Village Voice)
“The situationists were bent on discovering the absolute ability to criticize anyone, anywhere — without restraint, without the pull of alliances, and without self-satisfaction. And they were bent on turning that criticism into event.” by GREIL MARCUS Originally published May 1, 1982 How Extreme Was It — 1 — I first became intrigued with the Situationist International…
Review: “Bob Dylan In London (Troubadour Tales)” by Jackie Lees and K G Miles | Kenny Wilson
I am aware that every book I have read about Bob Dylan seems to raise more questions than answers. That includes this charming and well presented publication that takes us on a tour of Dylan’s time spent in London over the years. It’s full of amusing and interesting anecdotes and a remarkable level of detail…
Remarks on Timothy Leary’s “Politics of Ecstasy” by Allen Ginsberg
“The new consciousness born in these States can be traced back through old gnostic texts, visions, artists & shamans; it is the consciousness of our ground nature suppressed & desecrated.” by ALLEN GINSBERG Originally published December 12, 1968 ‘Christmas in Earth’ By the late ’40s of this memory Century the people I knew best and loved the…
Blonde on Blonde – Bob Dylan (1966)
This has got to be one of my favourite albums of all time!!
Kenny Wilson at “Bob Dylan’s Week” Florence, Italy 2019
This is a festival in Italy I am playing at, based on the songs and music of Bob Dylan. Next week May 18th to 23rd 2019