Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Category: Photography

  • Visit to Oslo, Norway April 2014

      End of April 2014 I decided to go to Oslo, Norway for the weekend. I founds a Ryanair return flight for £50 from Stansted Airport. Hmm, pretty cheap I thought but maybe I should have factored in the cost of getting to Stansted Airport but, more importantly, the cost of getting from “Oslo Torp”…

  • 3 Days in Rome February 2016

    At the end of February I went to Rome for three days. I’ve been there before but that was a flying visit when I played at a festival in Florence. The last time I went I wasn’t over impressed, which may sound odd and slightly absurd, but I was only there for about five hours. During that time I…

  • Photo Gallery of Bournemouth 2nd December 2015

    Here are some photos I took of Bournemouth in December 2015. I was there for a day and was amazed how interesting and beautiful it is, especially the beach!

  • Boat Trip from Richmond to Hampton Court 1st September 2015

  • Pictures of Lindos, Rhodes

  • Pictures of Lindos, Rhodes

  • Tenerife January 2014

    Here’s a slide show of my trip to Tenerife in January 2014: [gigya src=”″ width=”500″ flashvars=”offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=/photos/19022364@N00/sets/72157641809071855/show/&page_show_back_url=/photos/19022364@N00/sets/I72157641809071855/&set_id=72157641809071855&jump_to=” allowFullScreen=”true” ]

  • The Image is the Servant

    Here’s me at the microphone at an event at Hansom Hall, Leicester organised by David Soden. It is a battle between performers and images taken of them and projected on to screens around the hall. Here’s a short video of one of the performances: It was a brilliant event that reminded me a bit of…

  • Oblivion

    When you are living in a type of oblivion and everything starts repeating then you know you are struggling and things don’t seem to make sense. But do they? Do they? Do they? Maybe. But maybe not!! When I first saw you you were real! You were real!! But maybe I wasn’t. Maybe I didn’t…

  • Visit to Sicily October 2013

    In my quest to visit as many places as possible that I haven’t seen, I decided to go to Sicily, Italy in October, 2013. In case people out there think with all my travelling I’m rich!! I’m not!! My travels are achieved by finding low fares and staying in cheap hotels (most of the time!).…