Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Category: Rick Grech

  • The Musicians’ Olympus: Ric Grech (bass / violin)

    Page created by Miguel Terol on 16th January 1998 – Last modified on: 24th May 2012. If you want to contribute with info, please write to: This is an amazing piece of research and the Leicester section is true. I can vouch for it. The whole site is excellent and a labour of love! (KW)…

  • Rick Grech and Me: a Personal Memoir by Kenny Wilson

    I realized as I started this memoir that I don’t really know how to either spell or pronounce Rick’s name. Until recently I thought it was Ric and that Grech was pronounced with a hard “K” sound. I’m not sure now. On most of his recordings, and his own signature on a photograph I have,…