Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Tag: Beatniks

  • THE HOLY BARBARIANS by Lawrence Lipton

    The Holy Barbarians was a book published in 1959 detailing the lives of the Beats living on Venice Beach in Los Angeles by poet Lawrence Lipton. It was very influential and was like a How to Do book for us in the mid 1960s in Leicester. Following is a quote from the book about the difference…

  • The Decline of the 1960s Counterculture and the Rise of Thatcherism | Kenny Wilson

    In the past few weeks I have been reading widely about the 1960s Counterculture both here and in America. This interest was inspired by two things. Writing an account of My Life in Music, which included my experience of the Counterculture in Leicester, and visiting an exhibition of sculptures by Francis Upritchard at Nottingham Contemporary…