Tag: Photography
Kenny Wilson at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution 12th July 2017
This is a video of my talk at BRLSI in July. It’s not great quality but you get the whole thing! I originally put it on YouTube but it got blocked because of my use of two Bob Dylan songs. This was a bit disappointing but I have decided to upload it here instead. I…
Kenny Wilson at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution 12th July 2017
This is a video of my talk at BRLSI in July. It’s not great quality but you get the whole thing! I originally put it on YouTube but it got blocked because of my use of two Bob Dylan songs. This was a bit disappointing but I have decided to upload it here instead. I…
Adam Ritchie: Photographer
I came across Adam Ritchie when I was researching into the Velvet Underground. Most of the early pictures of the band were taken by him and Lisa Law. It seems strange that there are not more pictures of the band from this time when you consider the number of photos taken at Andy Warhol’s Factory by Billy…
Pictures of Valencia 12th September 2015
Some photos of Valencia.
Classical Statues Dressed as Hipsters!
Dressed like this these statues become familiar and contemporary. Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo retoucher Alexis Persani. This is Léo Caillard web site: http://www.leocaillard.com/ Related articles Making new with old – Louvre Greek sculptures go hipster (innovtoday.wordpress.com) French girl cannot find hipsters in Williamsburg (deathandtaxesmag.com) How to Make Friends at a (Hipster) Bar (verysimplethoughts.com)