Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Tag: weird goings

  • Interactive Maps for Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” by Dennis Mansker

    This is a re-post from Dennis Mansker’s web site. The original can be found here: In 1957, two novels were published that were destined to have a profound effect on the future of the United States, and indeed, the world, effects that would long outlast the lives of their creators. The first was Atlas Shrugged,…

  • Interactive Maps for Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” by Dennis Mansker

    This is a re-post from Dennis Mansker’s web site. The original can be found here: In 1957, two novels were published that were destined to have a profound effect on the future of the United States, and indeed, the world, effects that would long outlast the lives of their creators. The first was Atlas Shrugged,…

  • Gigs in Florence, Italy

    Gigs I’m doing in Florence, Italy at the end of May.

  • Infinity Blue a poem/song by Kenny Wilson!

    This is a poem/song I wrote in 2005. It was inspired by the name and the view of a restaurant on the island of Skiathos in Greece. I was trying to connect with the space between consciousness and sleep, that space when thoughts drift without any idea of rationality, when words just connect with each…

  • Infinity Blue a poem/song by Kenny Wilson!

    This is a poem/song I wrote in 2005. It was inspired by the name and the view of a restaurant on the island of Skiathos in Greece. I was trying to connect with the space between consciousness and sleep, that space when thoughts drift without any idea of rationality, when words just connect with each…

  • Feeling nervous!

    Am sorting out the details for my trip. Feeling kind of nervous and excited. Not sure what is going to happen or even if I’m going to get there, but I’m sure I will!  Have practiced being a lone visitor in Berlin and it was weird but worthwhile. It’s not just about going somewhere far…