Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Gigs, interview and video shoot

Sunday was a pretty spectacular day. Decided to use the bike again. This time I went the other way up the Hudson bike path and didn’t stop til I got to George Washington Bridge about 10 miles at the top of Mannhatton Island. Of course then I had to come all the way back, not an easy task on a bike without brakes or gears. Still, it was a gorgeous sunny day and it’s a nice change from walking. The Hudson Park goes on for miles and people were having picnics and barbecues and playing trumpets. It was like a Mexican Fiesta.

In afternoon I was interviewed by a local radio station (can’t remember the name but will post it when I get the link). It seemed to go pretty well talking about my adventures and then I played a couple oof songs live.

At night played at the Common Ground Bar which went pretty well and was invited to play at the East Village Tavern. Had a superb night playing, jamming and even rapping . Great stuff, back there next Sunday.

Monday was a pretty lazy day. Took the ferry to Staten Island and took photos of the statue of Liberty. The sky was overcast and it was drizzly some of the time not unlike a summer’s day in Leicester. Staten Island a bit boring but I didn’t see much of it.

At night was invited to an inspired word poetry do. They love my Marlon Brando song and videoed me singing it. Will be putting it on their web site with links to mine.

OK let’s see what happens tomorrow!



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