Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Lazy day and Paddy Reilly’s

Well, Wednesday was a bit lazy. I meant to go to Moma but couldn’t find the right train and ended up at the Lincoln Center. The M train is a hard one to find on 14th Street but I think I’ve cracked it now. Ended up hanging out in the Upper West Side again and had a fabulous plate of noodles. Mmm, yummy!

Night time was more active. Did an early spot at Paddy Reilly’s open mic in Midtown. Went very well and got a job in a cabaret bar playing with a bluegrass guy called Tom. We jammed well and it sounded good. Bar owner gave us loads of drinks afterwards. After that I played at Arctica Bar and again it went well. Shifted quite a few CDs. I think I like NYC. That was three gigs in one night! Will I be able to keep up the pace?

Today I went to the Museum of the Moving Image which had been recommended to me. Very good. Shot quite a bit of film myself while I was there. Will use it when I get back. The Museum was in Queens suburb. It is shocking to realise that virtually all of New York outside of Manhattan resembles Stoke on Trent but unlike Stoke it goes on for what seems like forever. Still, had a great meal in an Irish bar, Shephards Pie and Broccoli Soup all for $10. Makes a change from burgers,pizzas, Chinese and Italian! Met some nice people there and we sampled the myriad whiskies!

Off tonight for a repeat date at the Path Cafe so should have a good night. Rock on!



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