Kenny Wilson Blog Archive

Gigging In New York

It’s going very well. Played at what was the Gaslight last night. It’s now called 116 (that’s the number of the building). Had a job finding it as there is no big sign and MacDougal Street is the ultimate BAR STREET. Every night is like Saturday night in Leicester! The Gaslight is the place where Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso et al read their poems in the 50s. Then it became a centre of the burgeoning folk scene of the 60s. According to the organiser it has hardly changed although the stage is in a different place. I was the only musician in a night of poetry. Did OK though and was invited to a night next Monday when I am being filmed. Whoo hoo! There were some really good poets and rappers. Very enjoyable!

Spent today in Central Park and looking round the Upper West Side, including the Dakota building where John Lennon lived. Strawberry Fields was a bit disappointing with crowds of tourists queuing up to be photographed sitting on the Imagine mosaic. Not very peaceful! The park itself though is heavenly especially by the lake. It really is quite magical. Was asked how to get to 5th Avenue by someone who thought I was a local. Told her but she thought I was wrong and walked off in a huff.   But actually, I was right!

Spent tonight playing at the Path Cafe. Went very well and will get more gigs from it and am being interviewed by local radio on Sunday. Will be playing at the Cornelia Cafe tomorrow.

Speak to you soon!





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